Mastering the Art of Vehicle Trade in The Crew: Motorfest - A Comprehensive Guide

Julian Blackwood


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Have you ever wondered how to add that sleek sports car or the robust monster truck to your collection in The Crew: Motorfest? This guide is your roadmap to understanding how to purchase and, unfortunately, why you can't sell vehicles in this popular game.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Shop

Familiarize Yourself with the Shop

The shop is your go-to place for all things vehicular. To access the shop, simply open the pause menu and select "Shop." This will open up a cornucopia of options from the vehicle catalog to offers and bundles.

Step 2: Understanding the Vehicle Catalogue and Offers

In the shop, you'll find two significant sections: Vehicle Catalogue and Offers and Bundles. The former is your directory of all the available vehicles in the game and their prices. The latter provides you with bundles, some of which contain vehicles that can be a real steal! You can also find Playlist Bundles here that are perfect for getting all those vehicles you need for playlist challenges.

Step 3: Navigating through the Vehicle Catalogue

The sheer number of vehicles in the default display of the catalog can be overwhelming. But fret not; the game has given you the power of filters. By using them, you can sort the vehicles by manufacturer, type, and more. Want a car perfect for drifting or a plane designed for acrobatics? The filters are your best friends here.

Step 4: Buying Your Dream Vehicle

Buying Your Dream Vehicle

Once you've found the perfect vehicle, it's time to make the purchase. Ensure you have enough funds before you proceed. Participate in more events, win, and your bank will be loaded in no time.

Step 5: Understanding Why Selling Isn't Possible

The Crew: Motorfest encourages players to amass a collection of vehicles rather than selling them off. Remember, this game is about growing your collection and customizing it as you want.

This guide should have enlightened you about buying vehicles in The Crew: Motorfest. Remember, the joy of the game lies in collecting and upgrading a wide range of vehicles. So, dive in, start shopping, and may you find the ride of your dreams!
