Mastering Animal Domestication in Starfield: An all-in-one Guide



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The vast cosmos in Starfield is home to a multitude of activities, and one such fascinating feature is Animal Husbandry. Despite being a game of celestial exploration and space-age battles, it allows players to embrace their inner farmer and delve into the world of animal breeding and care. For those players who haven't yet stumbled across this engaging facet, we provide a detailed guide on how to efficiently undertake Animal Husbandry in Starfield.

Finding the Right Outpost

Finding the Right Outpost

The journey towards becoming a space farmer begins with finding the right outpost. Notably, not all outposts in Starfield allow Animal Domestication, so the selection is essential. Some outposts are already equipped with “Animal Pens,” which are designed to house and take care of these creatures. Secure an outpost with a suitable pen to unlock the potential for animal care on your base.

Procuring Animals

Once you have the right outpost, the next step is to attain animals to fill them. Players can get animals in two ways. The first method is by purchasing them from vendors, who usually have a wide variety of creatures available for sale. The second method is by capturing them in the wild, which is a bit more adventurous. However, this requires a specific tool known as the "Capture Gun," which immobilizes animals and allows players to transport them back to their outpost.

Nurturing Your Animals

Nurturing Your Animals

After successfully acquiring animals, it's time to grow your livestock and reap the rewards. Each animal has specific needs and requirements that players must attend to. This includes feeding them the correct food and providing them with a healthy and conducive environment for growth. Neglecting their needs could lead to their death, which is not only heartbreaking but also a waste of resources.

The Rewards of Animal Domestication

In Starfield, taking up animal husbandry is not just a leisurely activity for players to pass their time but also a profitable endeavor. Potential benefits of raising animals include getting resources like meat, pelts, and other unique items. For instance, some animals provide Bio Gel, a valuable resource in Starfield that can be used to restore health instantly. Considering these, it's safe to say that Animal Husbandry is a profitable venture worth considering.

In conclusion, Animal Domestication in Starfield provides an entirely new angle for players to explore and enjoy. It's more than just Space exploration; it's about experiencing life in a different dimension. So, put on your farmer's hat and start your journey towards becoming a successful space-age farmer today!
