Elden Ring: Unveiling the Secrets of the Silver Scarab Talisman

Julian Blackwood


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In the sprawling and perilous world of Elden Ring, every adventurer knows the importance of powerful gear and rare items. These treasures can often mean the difference between life and death. Among these coveted items, the Silver Scarab Talisman stands out as a particularly valuable treasure. This accessory can significantly boost your Discovery stat, making it much easier to find rare weapons, armor, and other crucial items throughout your journey. However, getting your hands on this talisman is no easy task. It involves navigating hidden paths, overcoming formidable foes, and having an eye for the unseen. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps needed to locate the Silver Scarab Talisman and explain how it can enhance your Elden Ring experience.

Accessing the Secret Haligtree Medallion

Accessing the Secret Medallion

The first step in acquiring the Silver Scarab Talisman is to gain access to the secret Hidden Path to the Haligtree area. This requires the Secret Haligtree Medallion, which is split into two halves scattered across the Lands Between. The first half is located in Liurnia of the Lakes, a relatively accessible area for mid-game players. The second half, however, presents a greater challenge as it is hidden in the Mountaintops of the Giants, a late-game region guarded by a formidable boss. Determination and skill will be required to defeat this towering adversary and claim the second medallion half.

Locating the Medallion Pieces

For the easier half in Liurnia of the Lakes:

  1. Travel to the Village of the Albinaurics in the southwestern part of Liurnia.
  2. Make your way to the hilltop, where you will find an NPC disguised as a pot.
  3. Strike the pot to reveal an elderly Albinauric; converse with him, and he will hand over the first half of the Secret Haligtree Medallion.

For the more challenging half in the Mountaintops of the Giants:

Utilizing the Grand Lift of Rold

  1. Head to Castle Sol, which is located on the northern mountaintops of the Giants.
  2. Conquer the castle and face Commander Niall, one of the game’s toughest bosses.
  3. Upon defeating Niall, follow the path to the rooftop tower, where the second medallion half is kept.

Utilizing the Grand Lift of Rold

With both halves of the Secret Haligtree Medallion in hand, your next destination is the Grand Lift of Rold. This monumental structure serves as the gateway to some of Elden Ring's most mysterious and dangerous locations. Approach the lift and activate the button prompt to switch from the standard medallion to the Secret Haligtree Medallion. This will unlock a hidden route, teleporting you to a crypt-like area that leads to the Hidden Path to the Haligtree.

Navigating the Hidden Path

Upon arrival in this shadowy new area, immediate threats and daunting stairways lie ahead. It's recommended to prioritize reaching the Hidden Path to the Haligtree Site of Grace for a much-needed checkpoint. Once secured, backtrack down the stairs into a large chamber inhabited by a Giant Land Octopus. Instead of engaging this creature, focus on the missing section of the stone railing at the lower platform’s right-hand side.

Taking a leap of faith, step off the edge through the opening to land on an invisible path below. This seemingly empty space is the gateway to your prize. Move forward toward an archway leading to a hallway, which veers to the right. There, you'll encounter a Grave Glovewort. It's behind this Glovewort that another secret awaits — an invisible wall. Strike the wall to open a hidden path, revealing a chest containing the cherished Silver Scarab Talisman.

The Benefits of the Silver Scarab Talisman

The Benefits of the Silver Scarab Talisman

The Silver Scarab Talisman significantly boosts the player's Discovery stat by 75 points. This enhancement is a game-changer for those pursuing rare loot in Elden Ring. With increased Discovery, the probability of enemies dropping rare items is noticeably higher, making item farming much more efficient. Additionally, the Silver Scarab Talisman stacks with other Discovery-boosting items, such as Arcane-boosting gear and the Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot, allowing players to maximize their item drop rates even further.

Equipping the Silver Scarab Talisman can turn a tedious grind into a productive venture, making it easier to obtain elusive gear like the Longhaft Axe from axe-wielding Misbegotten with only a 2% drop rate or other hard-to-find equipment. This talisman is essential for completionists and those wanting a full array of weapons and armor to tackle every challenge Elden Ring throws their way.

In conclusion, the path to the Silver Scarab Talisman is fraught with obstacles, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By following this guide, adventurers can unlock the secrets of the Hidden Path to the Haligtree, secure the Silver Scarab Talisman, and substantially improve their odds of finding rare and powerful items throughout their journey in the Elden Ring. Happy hunting!
