Mastering Space Hoarding: Starfield Player's Innovative Approach to Ship Cargo Limits

Julian Blackwood


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Ever find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of loot in Starfield, with nowhere to store it all? You're not alone. All players grapple with the limitations of cargo capacity, both on their characters and ships. It's a constant juggle, balancing the need to acquire valuable resources with the capacity to store them. But what happens when you've hit your limit with no skill points or funds for upgrades? One resourceful gamer might have the answer for you.

The Starfield community is buzzing with a novel concept introduced by Reddit user Foslforever. Instead of fretting about maxed-out inventory, Foslforever took an unconventional approach - just dump your extra items on the floor of your ship! This player discovered that the dropped items don't disappear, they just stay put. As long as you don't upgrade or modify your ship, your precious cargo is safe and sound.

The Reddit post showcased a snapshot of Foslforever's ship, brimming with excess cargo strewn across the floor. It might seem messy, but it’s an effective temporary solution when you're in a pinch. Interestingly, this sparked an intriguing discourse among other players. Could this be a stealthy way to smuggle contraband since the items aren't technically in your inventory? The consensus was that, unfortunately, this trick doesn't bypass smuggling rules.

Regardless of its limitations, this unconventional workaround underlines the resourcefulness of Starfield players in adapting to the game's constraints. It's been a little over a month since the game's release, and players are already developing various ingenious methods to overcome challenges. These include finding ways around vendor wait times and discovering previously unknown control rebinds that allow a horizontal boost instead of a vertical one.

In conclusion, while Foslforever's cargo dumping method isn't exactly a long-term storage solution, it's a fine example of player creativity. It highlights how gamers can find innovative ways to navigate the constraints of their environment. As the Starfield universe continues to be explored, we can only anticipate more of these clever tricks and strategies. In the meantime, remember, when in doubt, just throw it on the floor of your ship!
