GTA 6 Hints From New Rockstar Games’ Job Offer

Job Offer from Rockstar Games that refers to upcoming GTA 6 appeared recently and provoked numerous speculations and new hopes. The rumors were circling around the game since the 5th part appeared. And we can’t actually blame gamers for wanting to know anything about this best-seller. We were joyful as well.
The Rumor Of The Day
The main rumor that everyone is still discussing is that there will be multiple regions and various decades in the game. We’ve heard too many hints to ignore this speculation. And now, when Rockstar Games revealed its job offering, it is getting hard to ignore all the pieces of evidence.
What Did Rockstar Games Say?
Let’s make it clear! Rockstar Games did not say anything specifically. The evidence is circumstantial. Game developers announced that they are searching for Character Wardrobe and Costume Stylist. That does not sound like something extraordinary, does it? But the devil is in the detail. In this case, it is details of the job listing. The company revealed that they are looking for applicants who are aware of past and modern clothing styles, deeply understand the necessity to stick to history and culture of the given period of time. We believe there is nothing more obvious to tell us about a variety of decades that will change through the game. Except for telling directly that they are planning to add multiple decades in GTA 6.
What About The Place?
It is in-between the lines as well. The Rockstar Games made it obvious they are looking for artists who know how to underline the difference not only in eras but in global street styles. Pay attention to the word Global. Does it sound like an extended open-world to you? While we can’t give even 51 percent guarantee that Rockstar Games do exactly what we are expecting from them, nothing can stop us from dreaming about GTA 6. Besides, the new job announcement from the company fits these rumors perfectly.
When Will We Play GTA 6?
It is too early to say. The last game in series, GTA 5 was released in 2013, and apparently, for Rockstar Games, it is too early to reveal anything about the new game. They are head over heels about Red Dead Redemption, and we can’t actually argue with that. A few months earlier, the company has put down the banner of Red Dead Redemption from the main headquarter in Scotland, and it brought numerous rumors about GTA 6 to life. And yet, nothing actually happened. We are well aware that it looks like Rockstar is teasing us. At least they heat up our interest, giving a slight hope.
You may follow Rockstar's official Twitter and website to make sure you know the latest news from the company. But nobody restricts you from keeping up with fresh rumors about the game. It may help you to survive the waiting period. Stay with us and share the rumors you’ve heard about GTA 6.