Get Star Wars Skin in Apex Legends For Free

Amazing new skin recently became available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC platforms. While PC is definitely more preferable for Respawn Entertainment, the skin was revealed at the same time for all platforms of the game. And if gamers felt a little bit annoyed by the fact that the last update of Apex Legends came out on PC platform before the others, now Xbox One and PS4 users not only receive extended travel to the 500 level as well, they get a new skin.
The New Skin
It may look like developers decided to remind gamers that they have another game except for Apex Legends. The new free skin contains the reference to Respawn’s game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. You can turn your Pathfinder character into BD-1, the companion of Cal Kestis from the game. Respawn has already shared the new skin on Twitter, where it received positive comments from players. This is not the first game that brought up the Star Wars theme. Fortnite did it even earlier with their Stormtroopers costumes. Unfortunately, they are not available any longer. So, everyone who missed these skins in Fortnite may cheer up themselves with customizing Pathfinder.
How To Get The Skin?
The skin is free. You don’t have to do anything extraordinary to get it. You just need to enter the game with your login and password until January 14, 2020. That’s all. Join the game and receive the Star Wars-inspired skin for free. Those who already received it, share your impressions about BD-1 skin in the comments below.