My Friendly Neighborhood

My Friendly Neighborhood

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My Friendly Neighborhood review

Despite the genre of "scary child-friendly mascots", spurred by Five Nights at Freddy’s, becoming crowded in the gaming world, My Friendly Neighborhood has managed to step out from the shadows and provide a smooth and riveting gaming experience. Despite a muted pre-launch hype, this under-the-radar title, birthed from the creative minds of brothers John and Evan Szymanski, is worthy of praise.

Inspired by survival horrors akin to Poppy Playtime, My Friendly Neighborhood promises open gameplay, guiding players through vast interconnected terrains, intriguing puzzles, and an arsenal of helpful gadgets. With its innovative gameplay, clever puzzle design, engaging narrative, brilliant voice acting, and a dash of self-deprecating humor, My Friendly Neighborhood serves as a delightful treat and is quintessential for all gaming enthusiasts.

Masterful Storyline Brought to Life by Stellar Acting

The game commences with an unsettling montage as a vintage TV set airs an ominous live-action interview abruptly interrupted by "The Friendly Neighborhood," a once-popular kiddie show canceled years ago along with its production company. The sudden reappearance of puppets feasting on each other raises alarms. Players embody the role of Gordon, a technician assigned to investigate the issue and turn off the broadcasting antenna. Despite the grim welcome by Ricky, a cheery sock puppet, Gordon perseveres.

The opening sequence is enticing with its character development. The fluid dialogue, studded with subtle undertones, perfectly captures the eerie charm of a children's TV. Every element – be it a cutscene, random notes, voiceovers, or character thoughts – is subtly scripted, delivering unforced and clear story progression.

The impressive voice acting brings the narrative to life. Gordon's disgruntled technician portrayal is spot-on, but Ricky's slightly unhinged puppet antics steal the limelight. The banter between the cheerful puppets who sporadically divulge sinister sentiments creates a paradoxically unsettling and jovial atmosphere.

Slick Gameplay with Ubiquitous Creativity

My Friendly Neighborhood perfectly marries simple controls with intricate mechanics and diverse gameplay. The point-and-click gameplay, reminiscent of classic puzzle games, kicks in when Gordon is within reach of interactive objects like puzzles, elemental pick-ups, or searchable items. This flawlessly blends with the first-person shooter gameplay, reminiscent of Bioshock and Prey, albeit with a meta twist. Instead of lethal weapons, players use wacky inventory like comedic letter-launching guns, focusing on incapacitating enemies with non-lethal equipment and puppet adversaries.

The inventory management system and the mechanics of safe rooms add spice to the game. Limited storage mandates careful arranging of items in Gordon’s briefcase. Players can expand storage, save progress, and heal in the safe rooms scattered across the map. These fun and challenging gameplay elements, however, possess a trade-off: players must spend coins to save and heal, thus carefully choosing when to conserve and when to splurge.

But the game doesn't stop there. Its puzzles require the players to search large areas for items and secrets. While most puzzles are self-contained, some demand finding keys and doing multiple location revisits. This expansive world-building encourages player intelligence and observation skills.

Despite an impressive game overall, there are a few areas of improvement. Navigation can be unclear due to no hints or communication. The combat is typically engaging, but occasionally, inconsistencies arise where enemies require varying numbers of shots. Lastly, the boss monsters are relatively easy to bypass, creating a less tense atmosphere.

Final Remarks

My Friendly Neighborhood overpowers its minor flaws with its captivating premise. Filled with intrigue, suspense, ingenious design, and commendable voice acting, this game deserves recognition. In conclusion, it is a must-play game that will hopefully garner the appreciation it merits.


  • Gripping narrative
  • Superior voice acting
  • Balanced gameplay styles
  • Intelligent puzzles
  • Innovative inventory system
  • Intense atmosphere
  • Unique genre blend


  • Lack of clear navigation guidance
  • Uneven combat difficulties
  • Easier boss challenges
  • Resource management can be tricky


My Friendly Neighborhood expertly navigates the saturated realm of ‘scary kids' entertainment mascots’ to deliver an exceptional survival horror game. Flaunting quality writing and top-tier acting, the game hooks players right from the start and maintains a tight grip all through. It seamlessly combines point-and-click gameplay with engaging first-person shooting mechanics that are reminiscent of classic horror games. From solving complex puzzles to managing inventory and resources, the game maintains a gripping tension.



My Friendly Neighborhood expertly navigates the saturated realm of ‘scary kids' entertainment mascots’ to deliver an exceptional survival horror game. Flaunting quality writing and top-tier acting, the game hooks players right from the start and maintains a tight grip all through. It seamlessly combines point-and-click gameplay with engaging first-person shooting mechanics that are reminiscent of classic horror games. From solving complex puzzles to managing inventory and resources, the game maintains a gripping tension.

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